Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture

Building farming and fishing communities, livelihoods, and enterprises resilient to economic and climate shocks.

The AMIA Approach can be adopted in DA Programs towards climate-risk based planning & delivery of interventions.

AMIA is a building block for the Farm & Fisheries Clustering & Consolidation (F2C2) Program.

Transformation of climate-resilient communities into climate-resilient business enterprises.

Climate-risk based deployment of technologies and tailor-fitted & integrated support services.


The AMIA program envisions the Philippines where all communities, especially those dependent on agriculture and fisheries, would become resilient to the increasing adverse effects of climate change.​

In pursuit of this vision, the program has set up communities called AMIA Villages, which serve as “go-to places” or lighthouses where farmers learn different climate resilient agriculture practices and technologies, helping them avoid, adjust, and recover from the impacts of climate change.​

Support Services Provided to AMIA Villages

Technological-Based Solutions

  • Community-Level Climate-Resilient Agri-fisheries Technologies
  • Climate Information Services (CIS)
  • Computer-Aided Decision-Making Technology

Capacity Building and Training

  • Training on CCA and DRR-Productivity Enhancing Practices and Technologies

Economic and Market Access

  • Links to Market
  • Easy Access to Credit and Affordable Insurance